so, for some reason after watching last week's the first april ep, i had the idea that instead of *watching* for this one, i'd just listen as if i'd only gotten audio, to see how much i can remember/picture myself
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long shot posting here since lj's so dead now, but is there anyone in japan willing to be my sponsor/representative or let me use their address to apply for ebi's fanclub? (now that they actually have one FINALLYYYY. and in time for my trip
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saw talisa_ahn post this and mine's pretty damn accurate (not so sure about "Good physical." definitely accurate about "Easily consoled." cake. the answer is to give me cake.)
MAY BABYStubborn and hard-hearted. Strong-willed and highly motivated. Sharp thoughts. Easily angered. Attracts others and loves attention. Deep feelings. Beautiful physically and
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woke up just before my alarm this morning, had roy orbison (pretty woman) in my head so couldn't remember my earlier dream except that it was something i wanted to remember...until my alarm went off. because i'd changed it back to Za ABC ~5 stars~ in celebration of 1 year anniversary!!!! (my header image. still very relevant :D
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